
In the realm of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), maintaining the consistency and readability of your configuration files is paramount. Terraform, a widely used tool in the IaC space, provides a set of commands that help ensure your configurations are not only consistent but also syntactically correct and internally consistent. Two such commands are terraform fmt and terraform validate. These tools are instrumental in automating the formatting and validation processes, making it easier to manage your infrastructure efficiently and error-free.

Using terraform fmt for Consistent Formatting

Consistency in configuration files is crucial for teams to understand and manage the infrastructure easily. The terraform fmt command is designed to automatically update configurations in the current directory to ensure they are readable and consistent with Terraform’s formatting standards. This command rearranges the syntax of your configuration files without altering their functionality. It’s akin to applying a style guide to your code, making it easier for anyone in the team to read and understand it.

How to Format Your Configuration

To format your Terraform configuration files, simply run the terraform fmt command in your terminal. This command scans all Terraform configuration files in the directory, making necessary adjustments to align with Terraform’s formatting standards. If any files are modified, Terraform prints out their names to inform you of the changes. However, if your configuration files were already formatted correctly, Terraform won’t return any file names, indicating that no changes were necessary.

terraform fmt

This command is particularly useful in collaborative environments, ensuring that all team members are working with files that adhere to a common formatting standard, thus reducing the cognitive load when navigating through the codebase.

Validating Configurations with terraform validate

While terraform fmt ensures stylistic consistency, terraform validate goes a step further by checking the syntax and internal consistency of your Terraform configurations. This command is crucial for identifying potential errors before applying your configuration, saving time and preventing possible disruptions in your infrastructure.

How to Validate Your Configuration

Validating your Terraform configuration is straightforward. After ensuring your files are formatted, run the terraform validate command in the directory containing your Terraform files. This process checks for syntax errors, missing resources, and any internal inconsistencies that could cause your deployment to fail.

terraform validate

If the configuration is valid, Terraform will return a success message, confirming that your configuration is syntactically valid and internally consistent. This validation process is an essential step in the workflow, acting as a final check before proceeding to deploy your infrastructure.

Success! The configuration is valid.


Incorporating terraform fmt and terraform validate into your Terraform workflow is a best practice that can significantly improve the manageability and reliability of your infrastructure deployments. By ensuring that your configuration files are both consistently formatted and validated for correctness, you can streamline your development process, reduce errors, and maintain a high standard of code quality across your team. Whether you’re working on a small project or managing large-scale infrastructure, these tools are invaluable for maintaining the integrity and readability of your Terraform configurations.