
Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, stands out as a pivotal tool in the domain of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), offering a streamlined approach to provisioning and managing cloud resources with precision and scalability. Two powerful features within Terraform that enhance its functionality for handling multiple resources efficiently are count and for_each. This article dives into the intricacies of these features, shedding light on their application, differences, and best practices for leveraging them in your Terraform configurations.

Understanding count

The count parameter in Terraform is a built-in function that allows for the creation of multiple instances of a resource or module based on a given count. This feature is particularly useful when you need to provision a set number of similar resources without having to define them individually in your configuration.

How to Use count

count is used by specifying it within a resource block and assigning it a numeric value or an expression that resolves to a number. Each instance of the resource can then be referenced by its index.

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  count         = 3
  ami           = "ami-123456"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

In this example, three AWS instances will be created, each with the same AMI and instance type.

Advantages of count

  • Simplicity: It’s straightforward to create multiple resources by adjusting a single number.
  • Efficiency: Reduces the amount of code required to manage similar resources.

Limitations of count

  • Index-based: Resources are identified by their index, which can lead to complications, especially when removing or reordering resources.
  • Less flexible: It’s not suited for creating resources that require unique configurations.

Understanding for_each

The for_each argument takes a different approach by iterating over a map or a set of strings to create an instance for each item in the collection. This method provides more flexibility and control, especially when dealing with resources that need to be uniquely configured.

How to Use for_each

for_each is applied within a resource block, where you specify a set or map to iterate over. Each element in the collection will generate a new instance of the resource.

resource "aws_instance" "server" {
  for_each      = { "us-east-1" = "ami-abc123", "us-west-2" = "ami-def456" }
  ami           = each.value
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
  provider      = aws.each.key

This example creates two AWS instances in different regions with respective AMIs.

Advantages of for_each

  • Flexibility: Ideal for cases where resources need specific configurations.
  • Key-based identification: Resources are identified by keys, making it easier to manage them individually.

Limitations of for_each

  • Complexity: Requires a more complex setup compared to count, especially for simple use cases.
  • Input structure: You need to structure your inputs as maps or sets, which may require additional preparation.

Choosing Between count and for_each

  • Use count when dealing with a homogeneous set of resources where each instance can be treated the same or when the number of resources is determined dynamically.
  • Opt for for_each for managing a collection of resources that require unique configurations or when you need to maintain a clear mapping between your configuration and the created resources.

Best Practices

  • Immutable Identifiers: Use immutable identifiers for resources managed by for_each to avoid unnecessary recreation during changes.
  • Resource Planning: Carefully plan your resource structure to decide between count and for_each based on your project’s needs.
  • Dynamic Configuration: Leverage Terraform’s dynamic blocks in conjunction with for_each for more complex configurations.


Terraform’s count and for_each provide robust solutions for managing multiple resources efficiently, each catering to different scenarios. By understanding their strengths and limitations, you can choose the most appropriate method for your infrastructure provisioning needs, ensuring your configurations are both scalable and maintainable. As Terraform continues to evolve, mastering these features will remain a cornerstone of effective cloud resource management.